Jul 9, 2009

Seeing the best...

Seeing the best in your self is
Only seeing the good qualities which some might say are:
Difficult ,
Not worth seeing or

But I say seeing the best in yourself is to recognize:
Fullness, and

Seeing the best in yourself
Is not recognizing what is to be worked on; while placing negative pressure onto yourself to achieve a:
Great body,
Or establish a calling.

But to come to a knowing place of:
IAM Beautiful and complete .
IAM The creator of my life.
IAM a blessing to many.
IAM causing positive change.

Seeing the best in yourself
Is never to believe in terms of falsity like:
Lack, and
Sickness .

Seeing the best in your self
Is to know who you truly are, this is to see and believe reality such as:
You are a master at everything,
That you have existed previously and remain,
You are untouchable by death and that you,
seek and know only GOOD.

Jul 8, 2009

Remember tomorrow

Remember tomorrow but hear the voice of today, for Tomorrow is the latent of today

Remember tomorrow with the mind of a creator
To see the little that is created is a miracle

Remember tomorrow with the hand of hope
That the maim man will see his perfect image

Remember tomorrow in joy of the present
For the presence of life has appeared and remains

Remember tomorrow and do not strain to repeat yesterday
For the shadow of yesterday is within the elements of today

Remember tomorrow with the intention to learn
To learn is perhaps the greatest gift given to man

Remember tomorrow with the eye of love
For in love, is the secret of life

Remember tomorrow not with regret or fear
Life begins at the moment of love

Remember tomorrow and do not forget the memory of today
To remember is to pay homage to the universe for its daily bread

Jul 7, 2009

You are the key

You are the key
You are the melody
You are all that is

You are the key
You are the truth
You are the blessing

You are the key
You are the road
You are the path

You are the key
You are the creator
You are the decider

You are the key
You are the one
You are the way

You are the key
You are the vessel
You are the answer

You are the key
You are the life brighter
You are the binder

You are the key
You are the example
You are source

Jul 6, 2009

If I were young again…..

If I were young again,
I would run through the breeze.

If I were again,
I would present myself fearless to the wolves.
If I were young again,
I would roam the streets and say hello to everyone.

If I were young again
I would travel throughout and embrace the sickly.
If I were young again
I would throw myself onto the grass and kiss the field.

If I were young,
I would smile at the slightest sound of a human voice.
If I were young again I would embrace the present moment and dream for the next.
Only if I were young again, I would believe in the impossible and fall in love with possibility.

If I were young again…..

If I were young again,
I would hold the responsibility to only awake and dream.
I would choose to laugh at mistakes.

To be young again is what we all desire,
However, it is often hidden once grown up.

To release youth is an unforgettable experience.

If only I were young again, some might say.
To be young again is a mentally not a phase.
So go ahead embrace the youthful spirit in you!

It will never cease to jump, if it is not released.

Go ahead be young.