Mar 30, 2009

What’s your philosophy?

Everyone on this earth lives by a set of rules or by guidelines that they dictate their entire lives to. Some might feel as if they don’t because they do the day to day things they believe everyone should do. Although this is in fact true; it is still however a philosophy. It is a philosophy because we were taught by parents or parental figures the proper way to live, the proper to think and speak. This philosophy is then engrained and if opposed is considered sin, disobedience, and unlawful.

It is amazing how far the principals behind your philosophy can take you. I’m defining philosophy as a mindset acquired by beliefs, family traditions, gender and economic status, etc. Philosophy’s can be extremely strong, so strong that generations can be affected. You see every individual is entitled to his or her own mindset or living principal. Therefore each man is free, free to believe what he/she wishes.

It’s time to begin our own (divine) principals of living. If you’re like me, the thought of obeying society’s laws for proper living is hard to keep up with. I’m tired of trying to keep up with what society says. It’s tiring to constantly base your life off of someone else’s principals. It discouraging to only think the way society has trained us. It’s no longer working out. Domestication now ends.

I (We) have recently began questioning the location of the set of rules I (we are) was living by derived from. It is time to adapt principals that are eternal and based on truth. These principals are called the will of God. You see to say that you believe in God also means that you become aware of his principals which are essentially the principals that hide, latent within the ‘ideal man’ in every human soul.

The principals of God are not of the same with that of the world which is being defined here as the thoughts of error. Where the world seeks for self glorification; God seeks that every man understands the royalty within themselves. Within God’s principals man sees the ideal man for whom they truly are: Spirit and that is Divine Consciousness. In this conscious mindset a man with the principals of God respects every man while honoring the essence of God in that man.

Therefore, if your life is constantly in a state of chaos or you are just becoming tired of the ups and downs in your mind. These thoughts are destroying your life. Why not choose to adapt a new set of principals; hence a new philosophy. Stop being sick and tired; just to turn around and be sick and tired. Start thinking for yourself! Choose to bring your mind and body into oneness with God’s philosophy, today!

Stay tuned for more.

Mar 22, 2009

Address:To the seeker.

To the one who is going beyond the form of matter but into the reality that lies within matter. To the one who is continuously looking within and not without with the intention to improve the world within themselves. To the one who is not afraid of the journey; but confident and perceptive of the meaning in the journey. This journey is self discovery. Realizing that to know thy self is to know the true essence of others. To the one that is on this path, on this consistent path seeking the mystic truth of that which is life and light.

I admire your courage

I admire your courage to leave all that you have known to be valuable.
I admire your dream to be who you truly are. I admire your ability to let nothing faze you, let nothing distract you from the ultimate goal of becoming awakened. I admire the inner work you are doing; that you think is not visible. It is visible, I can see this inner work in your smile, I hear it in your laugh and acclaim it with you.

I admire you. I look in amazement, in awe, in joy at the presence of my father God, life within your being. This presence, it creates inner peace within me continuously; reminding me that all is well. It reminds that I need not to mediate on false principalities but the truth that sustains me.

The truth that says there is no misunderstanding or short coming that can separate us from the path divine mind lay out in spirit and in truth. Let us forget not the beauty, of friendship, the lapse of time and the joyous melodies the journey brings along.

I admire, I admire the infinite spirit within you, I admire you.

With love,

Mar 13, 2009

God is in everything.

Everything is God.
Everything is excellent.
Everything is pure essence.

Everything is God.
Everything is above all else good.
Everything emanates from a divine being.

Everything is God.
Everything is lovely and made up of energy.
Everything is reliable.

Everything is God.
Everything is life, life that is able to produce.
Everything is truth.

Everything is God.
Everything is capable of occurring.
God is always creating.
Everything is God in creation.

Everything is God.
Everything is made in his image and likeness.
Everything has His image and imprint.

Everything is light.
Everything is God, pure intelligence;
of God in motion.

Everything is God.
Everything is without blemish or fault.
Everything is God motion, motion that enables
all wisdom to flourish.

Everything is God .
the beauty of the roses.
the smell of the morning.
the warmth of the sun.

Everything that exists
is beautiful and shares the comfort of the
holy presence.

God is everything.
The breath of life, is the voice of God.
Everything is truth hidden in the mind of the soul.

Understanding is the key to comprehending that everything
does not co-exist without the presence of the father.

Everything is both light and life-
Intelligence/wisdom and power/ consciousness.

Mar 9, 2009

Dream for you...

I want to dream for you, I have to dream,
I have to love – that you may grow and learn.
How to both dream and love.

I have to believe because you don’t believe-
I have to trust- I just undoubtedly have to dream.

My dream, your dreams are all the same-they are one in the same-intertwined.

This is why I have to fulfill so that you may realize.

Realize that your dream was always there and now able to come out-to manifest-to change lives.

I want to dream for you deep within me, you see my heart; my soul yearns to see change.

There has to be more; more to life than this; living to die with the hopes to see, God.

We must- we just have to, we must see, we must perceive what is beyond and within you and me.

Heaven is here- heaven is now-heaven is within, that is why we must dream, dream to realize –dream to accomplish-dream that others may dream.

This is the year, this is the time, this is the moment-this is the minute.

The universe, the cosmos, the world- God awaits.

We must dream for each other, we must actualize.

Mar 4, 2009


I am at peace
I am still
I am quiet

As I hear the ocean shore clashing upon the sand while the melody of the water awakens the rocks. I am at rest at the peaceful sound of life interacting with light.

I am at peace
I am tranquil

I am at rest knowing that I am not my body, but I am divine. Lacking in nothing and complete in everything.

I am still in soul
I am at peace
I am refreshed

A feeling of serenity comes over me when I think of the future.

When I think of what is to come, I am amazed while perplexed at the journey’s end, middle and beginning. My heart smiles as I glance at perfection. The perfection of the universe; the intricate yet underlying sense of purpose of it, along with the attire of the lilies.

I am at ease
I am at peace

I am in joy, for the reason that I am is being revealed through the realization of self.

Simplicity, peace, serenity follows the identity of the I am. The I am lives in us today. The I am is ever creating without limitation. The I am is you and I.

Mar 2, 2009


Believe in yourself
Believe in endless possibilities
Believe without a doubt that he that lives within is greater than the voice without- the voice that often speaks of falsity.

Believe in your abilities.
Believe that all areas of life you have and will conquer,
because of your inner strength.

Believe in the efforts that you are making. Don’t give up at
the thought of failure. You are never alone;
the presence of the father is always with you.

Believe the vision then visualize if you apply these
principals faithfully you will surely propel yourself into
what was meant to be.

Believe in yourself,
Believe you can never fail.
Believe that you are apart from any demeaning circumstance.
Believing that each and every surrounding thought is
a positive love language between yourself and God.

Just believe; simply trust that something great has to come out
every idea.

Believe in the triumphant you!
The You that is always prospering.