Dec 29, 2008

The awakening of true worship

True worship begins with the awareness that God is upheld in everything.

What is awareness?

Awareness in everything that is seen, this word seen also includes spiritual and physical. For example you might see a homeless person and think it is impossible to see God.

Or you might see an angel and argue it could not be because they don’t exist in your mind. The point is what you choose to observe will guide your thoughts.
Your awareness of something brings what was just an idea to the forefront of your mind; creating direct awareness.

Direct awareness is the action of having what was on the subconscious or unconsciousness levels become an urgent substantial matter of the mind. What you focus on the most you freeze. When a thought is frozen it is not unable to move about nor can it create. It is the cosmic law that says everything is light particles (photons).

The idea of true worship emanates from the awareness of what is surrounding you. To really say you are worshiping is to honor the principal element of life(photons) in all things. True worship is the ability to see beauty, life and love in all that exists.

Now go ahead, think about it. All that is around you originates from God. Look to observe. Observe to be aware and awareness will guide you into a great meditative experience, where you experience the Now factor in all that exists.

Dec 28, 2008


What if I were to tell you that
What you think is real is not; real.
In fact it is the mere illusion of false sight

You are probably asking how this could be, since the reality of
Your bills, children, responsibilities, as well as a career, is in your face.

Now you are definitely thinking this writer is completely
out of her mind. Truth is “I AM”.

What you think, feel, and act upon are the only,
attributes concerning you that appear to you as real.One will argue that emotions are real.

However these feelings, emotions, and thoughts are not reality at all.
They just present themselves as such. If they were real; they should
last a life time.

Now you are probably thinking they do, last a life time!
If they do, I ask you why some experience them differently than others.For some, the events considered as tragedy are blessings and for others it is a life of torment.

That which is real resonates in ones soul.

The only feelings emotions and thoughts that are sincere is that
of a free heart, mind, soul and spirit, reality is made known when true life is attained.

True life is attained when the mind is aligned with,the mind of Christ;within.

What kind of life?

You see many people have attained this life of freedom, where they transcribe reality for what it actually stands for. They understood that life is not just the actuality of money, longevity, children, and so on.

Awareness and perception is where truth lies.Your awareness and perception make up what you know as your definition of reality.

That is why your perception of a situation is equivalent to the outcome you receive.

Awareness is the ability to be in the present moment. Perception occurs after an event; the way you choose to define this event will become your opinion.

This opinion will then become your belief. This belief whether positive or negative is what you receive from the hand of God.The truth is the things we ought to be paying attention to we are not.I have realized, we spend too much time just existing. We need to get up and actually start living. In living we experience reality as God intends for us.

I was recently observing a conversation and the statement that came across was, “what if we are only dreaming right now?” everyone sitting at the table, froze and starting thinking. At this particular moment, I believe that everyone sitting at that table became alive, simply because they became aware.

You see awareness; reality and truth share the same attire. They are in close proximity all of the time. When the thought arose, the reactions of the people froze it was almost as if, they realized something.

I believe that something was just the beginning of a pursuit of real life. This life I speak of does not stop at financial success or material success. It is life that is lived out from the presence, which is within.

So today ask yourself the question:

What is real?

And after you answer, ask your self if what you are bearing in mind as factual is able to change. If your emotions and thoughts change, then the event you are describing as existent is not in fact true. The truth is the event has only masqueraded itself.

Dec 22, 2008

What is...

Let things be.
Let the mind that is in me, manifest and become what is known as reality.

Let it be so.
Let the problems of this universe vanish to proclaim that the lord has come.

Let it be revealed.
Let the universe demand the “praises of triumph”
over adversity and illusion!

Let it be reality.
Let it be real, that the sick are healed and the maimed are whole.
May it be that the dream of ones is realized.

And so it is.
Understanding of divine life and light are unfolding.
Comprehension is upheld and actions flow.

To live is to love.
To love is to forgive.
To forgive is to receive.
And receiving is a gift given from the hand of God,
that is faultless, unjudgemental and full of freedom.

Truly it is.
That all that was still is.
And all that is to come is already here.
There is no future no past, but just
the present moment of bliss

Let things be.

Dec 15, 2008

The unfolding essence in a relationship….

To have a relationship with God is to be in the presence of God.

How do you have a relationship with God?

To have a relationship with God is to first be aware that God exists.
Second, is to be knowledgeable that he exists in all things.
God exists in all living things. This awareness of his existence causes one to be conscious of all that is around you. You begin to understand that he is the source of life in all living things. This consciousness makes you notice the attributes of God the father every where you look. For example, someone might say look at this ugly lady. Your response to that statement would be extremely bizarre, since you are seeing the most beautiful individual you ever laid your eyes upon.
This corroborates with the statement Minster Y. M.Dagba said in his article “How to be in the presence of God Part 4”, “ when our awareness of God increases our experiences also increase”. Our awareness of God is what allows us to see the perfect image of God in one another.
Essentially, having a relationship with God is to have a relationship with the perfect image within one another. An intimacy with Christ overflows out of the heart of the one who does not seek to contradict himself by seeing separation. An ultimate soaring relationship with God manifests through the heart who earnestly acknowledges there is such a reality as God, within man.
This awareness of such a reality, automatically removes self. The self is the false ego removed once and for all on the cross of Calvary; however it is still determined by the law of falseness to set itself up against the knowledge of God.
You see, having a relationship with God is simple! It is the simplest activity ever. I say, this because once we acknowledge the presence of God in everything, we see God and only God. God now becomes real and an authentic relationship begins to unfold.

Dec 8, 2008

The light within/Part 3

The light within is a kiss God gives you. This kiss like the story of Snow White, awakes you from the realm of deep sleep. This realm of deep sleep is state of unconsciousness. This state of unconsciousness is the result of what happened when our minds were diverted from truth. When we started believing we were naked (wiser than God) in the garden of Eden.

This kiss is an awakening of the divine self. However this kiss can only be done by the Prince God; he is the supplier of life to all that is living. Jesus on the cross took all sickness of mind, illness of body and all inequity away and gave us the opportunity to live fully. The prince did the same for Snow White when he kissed her. He took all inequity away and made her come to consciousness of divinity again.

When Snow White went on to get married, that was God marrying you, meaning your soul and His were united. You will then live happily ever after with the Prince, God. This is an indication that you not only begin to manifest the light that you are, but you are an eternal being.

The price has come so that you may have life and life to the full. His ultimate desire is that you abide and rest with him. As the Prince and Snow White became one through a kiss. His kiss has also brought us to that oneness. This is where we once were. We were hidden in God in Christ. Meaning we were first hidden (brought forth) by God the Life giver and (hidden) in Christ, the manifestation of our divine selves.

This life was the same life emanating from Him. You see, God can only birth God, since he is God. In the same way can humans only birth humans. We as his chosen people have been set apart to live a glorious life. A life that is like Snow White’s; perfect.

Nov 30, 2008

What God creates.

If God were to create, how would this happen?

Do you think he would start from the inside or outside?

Starting inside would mean; atom or nucleus and starting from the outside would mean a simultaneous something one sees with the physical eye.

The questions here are interesting especially when applied to oneself. Let’s explore this passage. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, another scripture described by David says, For it was You (God) who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

When someone is knitting a sweater we see the thread being sown before the sweater is completed. It is the same with what David explains to us here. He tells us that God formed or knit his inward man before he gave him a form or a physical body. God creating his inward man is also to say that he created his original self; the self on the inside before the self we see with our five senses.

futhermore, it is fact that everything with a form, was first created from programmed information. This information is defined as divine; meaning originating from God. The question is, how were you created? And how does this information I state, relate to you?

One might quickly jump to the thought of there parents coming together. However, what if I were to tell you, the real essence of who you are, already existed. Another statement that might seem contentious is if your parents did not come together, you would have still been created. This idea is simple, the information you have on the inside is so important that it has to reveal itself, no matter who or what the information is unfolding out of; it has to appear.

The information you have within is first of all created by God and is perfect in everyway. This information is encoded within your authentic (the real you) self. Your authentic self (divine information) scripture explains is created to be like God. Therefore, do not live in mediocrity any longer. Trying to find out about who you truly are is to define the characters of God.

Lastly, divine information is what makes up the real you; you are created to reveal that authentic self!

Nov 19, 2008

The Morning Star

You are as bright as the morning stars.

You are unique.

A special kind.

An immaculate blend.

A cure to all illness.

Hope to all the broken.

You are the morning star that invades this universe
with your innate power.

Even if one day you decide you do not want to actualize this beam,
your soul and its divine ability will carry out its radiance.

This light is filled with life; programmed to function according to its encoding.

Full of meaning,

Full of purpose,

Therefore, you must never be released to lack;
this lack brings the awareness submission to the unknown.

However you must always know.
For knowledge is the beginning of freedom.

When you are free, you are then released to occupy your position with
dominion, power and the truth.

Behind understanding the morning star exists.
The presence of the morning star is then all around us when you simply believe in the idea.

Oct 12, 2008

He keeps me in….

Oh lord you keep in,
all harms way negates me
Your ultimate desire is that I know you.

Knowing you is knowing myself.
Knowing myself is understanding the
divinity that I am and represent.

You are life and light.
You call me both life and light to this world,
for it written you are the giver of life.

Oh Lord you keep in,
that I may never fail to know.
To know the truth that is called to set man free.

The truth that defines you is the truth that speaks
of mastery of mind and perfection.
It is written that I am, that love and perfection,
since I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I therefore thank you father for creating me,
as the source of all, as you are the pre-existing source of
all creation.

All the answers that I have been seeking
are within because you are a everlasting light
within my soul, searching; while converting darkness into light.

Father, I thank you that my soul is wrapped up in you and
can only reveal your true beauty. The beauty in me is your beauty,
sincere in faith and true in love.

In your glory I abide and find serenity.
rest for my mind,soul and body. Father I thank you for you keep me in...

Oct 9, 2008

The light within/Part 2

The light being turned on is the reality of redemption. Redemption is defined as the act of being taken back from captivity. The death of Jesus of Nazareth on the cross at Calvary was the place we found our redemption.

You see, when we speak of the cross we tend to experience extreme sadness because we take pity on the gruesome sacrifice of Jesus. The very act of feeling pity is where we miss what really happened!

The cross of Calvary was not a place of shame, but a place of victory. The cross represents a place of rejoicing and not a place of sorrow. The illustration of the cross was and still is the picture of our redemption. The cross represents the cleansing of the mind. At the cross all erroneous beliefs were abolished and put under subjection.

The beliefs that once separated us from God, Jesus became sin for. This means he became each erroneous thought so that we would no longer have to face the mind of death. This mind of death is the mind that we received when we ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This mind is also called the carnal mind, which is under the law of sin and death.

This law represents the mind that is still in captivity. The mind under the law resides in a state of religiosity. This religious mindset is why it was so hard to for the Pharisees to believe in Jesus. The Messiah was in front of them for thirty years but they could not see him because of their strong belief system as well as their own proven facts of who, what, where, when and how the Messiah was to come.

The drama of the cross brought us to where we were supposed to be. In fact this is where Adam and Eve were, they lived in a state of constant fellowship and communion with God. Until this oneness was demolished by the act of disobedience. This disobedience awakened man’s false ego to reveal a scar which was fear and doubt. Man than cursed himself and became a tiller (receptor) of the ground. The spiritual principal regarding the receptor is the law of karma. The law of karma explains what we often hear: an eye for an eye; which is also the same meaning as you reap what you sow.

Brothers and sisters the example of the cross happened so that our divinity might be expressed. Today is the day we understand that our false ego self of null effect, has been vanquished. Our new mind and its redemptive nature has taken root.

Oct 6, 2008

The Light Within/ Part 1

What is light? Light is what enables you to see. The light within is what enables you to see your true self. If there no light there is darkness. If there no light within man, he is blind. Blindness is ignorance and ignorance is darkness. Jesus said that if the light that is in us is darkness, how great is our darkness (Matthew 6:23).

The bible says, the Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. Man’s Spirit is the light within man. Within man is the light of God. God brings the light within man by way of his spirit. The spirit of man is also the light or the Spirit of God. Within man is the light that is to shine within darkness. Light within man is his real entity. This light is the means to which Man should live.

In a society we pay so much attention to the exterior of everything that we do not think much about the interior. God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:26-27). The question that comes to mind is: what is the image of God? We recognize the image of God, by way of understanding the light within us.

The scriptures describe the children of God as the light of the world. We are identified as light because our true self is light. This true self is God’s image. The question is, why are we not all living in the light, if the light of God is already within us? We were all in the light as we were with God in the beginning. But our light was turned off when we ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We partook with Adam and Eve of that tree, and by doing so we disobeyed the commands of God.

How do we turn this light back on, is the next question? This is what we will discuss in our next article.

Sep 30, 2008

As I Am

Don’t see me with your eyes,
see me with your spirit
I am not what you see
I am not heavy or skinny, I am me.

I am divine, I have come for this time
To show you who I am, the real me is not what you can see but
what you can perceive.You try to figure me out
but I am not to be examined, I am to be known.

The same me is inside you
look see, we have different shells.
we said you are thin, I am black
we are the same, take another look while
perceiving from within.

Now look, we are the same, you are his representation
as I am his ambassador carrying his name with a different color.
Yet when it is analyzed we are hear for the same purpose
to recognize ourselves in one another.

A different shape but the same name, Christ.
He is eternal as you are eternal, the same yesterday, today and forever.
You can not die because you are not the physical, you are not
too thin, too heavy or too dark.
You are in fact perfect, a perfect being with no real color
except the color of perfection.

You are a spirit being, not to be seen but perceived with
what is called the eye of the beholder; a third eye, that sees
the true mysteries of love.

This love is a force that is able to see things for what they are.
Understanding that within all, substance of proposed reality there is
"Truth" imbedded. This love does not see separation, lack, evil or anything
of the like. It sees beauty as well as thought provoking, serene, happiness.

Therefore perceive, dwell and enjoy the sameness of our image
Let us look at each other as in a mirror and see our one true image
the image of alikeness and of love.

As I am

Herlay Paul

Sep 5, 2008

Poem: Today

Today is a special day, a day of life, of blessing and joy.

Only truth that passes understanding can manifest in this realm we call world.

Today is a day worthy to be honored, a day of life,
excitement and peace. A day when the realization of one’s true self is manifested.

A day of life unending- a day chosen out of the book of life; to be enjoyed

A day of fulfillment, this truly is. The reaching of divinity of mind, body, soul and spirit.

By: Herlay Paul