Oct 12, 2011

The Essence of Life

Beauty cannot be described; It is an inner awakening of your truest self. Once you get a hold of it you can only bestow it upon others. Clinging on to an inner awakening and blessing others is the beautiful intention of life.

As human beings we desire to make this planet a better place whether through our own existence or by physically doing something to put change into place. We can only do this through a sound mind. A mind that even at its molecular level speaks of peace. Scripture states that God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7

This peace we speak of may give the illusion of impossibility for some especially when life gets to be overwhelming. However when life seems to be overwhelming we must take a moment to stop and enjoy the roses. As you stand in front of the rose and contemplate it you will develop a sense of appreciation for the beauty of it and find like you, the rose had to go through a renewal process as it once was a seed as we once were in the womb of our mother.

In life we all have a journey we need to go through. For each person it is a different journey.The elements that arise within the soul is the beauty of the journey. When this happens we participate in the experience of the journey and enjoy it fully. As you smell the rose, the rose itself fulfills its purpose as it reminds you of yours.

To truly live is the only way to live. Living a meaningful life means,much like the rose, you fulfill your purpose. Ask yourself what is your purpose? After doing so acknowledge that your life up until now has been about this very moment. Feel the love of God expressed through this moment.

With love,

Herlay Maitre


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