Mar 4, 2009


I am at peace
I am still
I am quiet

As I hear the ocean shore clashing upon the sand while the melody of the water awakens the rocks. I am at rest at the peaceful sound of life interacting with light.

I am at peace
I am tranquil

I am at rest knowing that I am not my body, but I am divine. Lacking in nothing and complete in everything.

I am still in soul
I am at peace
I am refreshed

A feeling of serenity comes over me when I think of the future.

When I think of what is to come, I am amazed while perplexed at the journey’s end, middle and beginning. My heart smiles as I glance at perfection. The perfection of the universe; the intricate yet underlying sense of purpose of it, along with the attire of the lilies.

I am at ease
I am at peace

I am in joy, for the reason that I am is being revealed through the realization of self.

Simplicity, peace, serenity follows the identity of the I am. The I am lives in us today. The I am is ever creating without limitation. The I am is you and I.

1 comment:

  1. In I AM we find peace that surpases all false lights...

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
